The hourly bonus payable is equal to 15%

The Social Security ceiling per training period (this figure should be multiplied by the number of hours in the company). However, a larger amount may be imposed by the collective agreement of the company. It is therefore necessary to refer to it for more information. Under these conditions, the trainee does not pay any social expenses (failing which, the excess bonus is subject to social charges). At the level of the "sickness" branch, the trainee remains affiliated to the social security scheme enjoyed by him. Nor does it contribute to unemployment insurance. On the other hand, in the industrial accidents and occupational diseases branch, it must be linked to the general social security scheme. The employer must pay contributions (3 Euros for secondary school pupils or 1 euro for pupils of technical education whose hourly rate is set by law).
Moreover, the trainee, although not assimilated to an employee, benefits from certain of his rights and in particular the right to reimbursement of transport costs or the award of restaurant title. If the company has a works council, the trainee is entitled to social and cultural activities as of right.
